US Summer programs for NAIPI LBRN.009

Bioinformatics & Data Science Research Fellowship Program: The Research Fellowship Program has been designed to help young researchers and students take advantage of the bioinformatics resources for analysis of complex life science data and become versed in bioinformatics. Research Fellows participate in cutting-edge bioinformatics research led by expert mentors. The fellowship program will offer a combination of online resources and mentor guidance to prepare you and help you complete a bioinformatics project. Registration fees cover the costs of training, mentorship , and big data T-BioInfo Server. The platform is a cloud-based analytical server used by research labs and independent scientists around the world.

The Omics Logic Advantage

Self-Paced Learning

Study at your own pace online completing modules designed for graduate and undergraduate levels

Project-based Curriculum

Don’t just learn about bioinformatics, learn while working on research projects with real data

Hands-on with Big Data

Go from practice to research in a matter of days by leveraging the cloud-based analytical platform

Expert Mentors

When you start learning, you are not on your own. The programs are supported by an expert team

A comprehensive overview of available modules, project examples, tools and skills covered in the Omics Logic Training Modules. As many options are available to offer asynchronous, synchronous and blended versions of the training modules, we recommend faculty and students to get in touch with our program coordinator to get more information. After filling out the form on your right, you will be able to schedule a call with one of our representers to answer your questions about the training and find the right program for you and your organization.

Learn more and access: Omics Logic -BioMMED Summer Research Fellowship Program