The Mississippi INBRE Outreach Scholars program is a 10-week summer community-based research program for Mississippi and Louisiana college students.
Dates for the 2022 program are May 31, 2022 – August 5, 2022.

The research activities include:

• Learning Nutrition Physical Activity and Health Needs works with communities to conduct a needs assessment of Mississippi and Louisiana to capture factors related to nutrition and physical activity behaviors.
• Move & Eat 2 Live Program is an intervention that will utilize interventionists trained as health coaches to deliver nutrition and physical activity program for young to middle-aged adult African Americans in South Mississippi.
• COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Project helps to learn about factors that influence Mississippian’s decision to receive or not receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
• Okla Achukma Project addresses diet and physical activity behaviors among Southeastern Native Americans to treat and prevent obesity and chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension.
• Obesity Science & Prevention Research Initiative (OSPRI) addresses the obesity burden in Mississippi that focuses on body composition measurement technology and mobile/remote healthcare techniques to better assist underserved populations.

The deadline to submit applications for the Outreach Scholars Summer Research Program is January 28, 2022.

If you have any questions, please email us at

To learn more about the Mississippi INBRE Outreach Scholars program, visit:

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