Dr. Jiantao Guo is an established investigator who is the PI for Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication (CIBC) Association, Postdoctoral, The Scripps Research Institute, Ph.D., Michigan State University, B.S. & M.S., Nankai University. Our group uses a multidisciplinary approach to tackle challenges associated with human health and sustainable chemical production.  We seek to translate scientific discoveries into biomedical and biotechnological applications. Our research focuses on the elucidation of molecular mechanisms that are used by living organisms to achieve essential biological and/or chemical transformations, and on the development of enabling methodologies for both biochemical investigations and biomedical applications.  We are also engaged in the use of Synthetic Biology approach to re-write or re-wire genetic information so that a cell or an organism can be programmed to perform a pre-defined task.

Visit Program: https://naipi.org/2021/06/30/nebraska-center-for-integrated-biomolecular-communication/

Nebraska: https://naipi.org/central-region/nebraska/