Daret St. Clair

Daret St. Clair Professor, Interim Chair, James Graham Brown Foundation Endowed Chair, Vice-Chair for Research, Associate Director for Basic Science, Markey Cancer Center. The primary research focus of this laboratory is in the area of the mitochondrial antioxidant defense system.

We cloned the human gene for the primary superoxide removal enzyme in mitochondria, manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), and the initial study has been expanded into several separate but related projects. These projects involve evaluating genetic abnormalities of antioxidant enzymes, the mechanisms regulating gene expression, and the impact these alterations have on the ability of humans to cope with oxidative stress.

She is also working as Principal Investigator of the University of Kentucky Center for Cancer and Metabolism.

Daret St Clair, Ph.D. | Toxicology and Cancer Biology (uky.edu)