We have started the voting process for the open INBRE seats and the open COBRE/CTR/HUB seats on the National Committee. The National Committee is comprised of PI/PDs only. The new candidates will serve for a four-year time period, as defined in our ByLaws.

Please note that voting is for eligible members from each NAIPI geographic region. Per article 4 of our bylaws: Voting members of NAIPI shall consist of the Principal Investigators and Program Coordinators of the INBRE, COBRE, CTR and any other future new center grant mechanisms within the IDeA program. Also, COBRE Project Leaders, INBRE Project Investigators, and self-identified Principal Investigators whose grant received IDeA cofounding will be voting members of NAIPI. Former IDeA Principal Investigators will have emeritus status (without voting rights).

The voting process will be open for 5 business days starting on Thursday, April 8 (until Thursday, April 15th at 4:30 pm CST)