The National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI) is the collective voice of all of us in the IDeA community. NAIPI aims to protect and promote the IDeA programs. It fosters interactions, promotes resource sharing, enhances the national visibility of the INBREs, COBREs, and CTRs, develops consensus on priorities, identifies and disseminates best practices, identifies opportunities and develops strategies.

President’s Welcome:
I am excited and honored to take the role of President of NAIPI. I look forward to working with the membership, National Committee, Executive Committee and working groups to promote biomedical research and the accomplishments of IDeA supported programs, investigators, and students. As NAIPI President, I work with the membership to build on the accomplishments of past leadership to continue to enhance communication, share resources and best practices, identify and promote the priorities of the IDeA community, and enhance visibility of IDeA by sharing and celebrating the successes of INBRE, COBRE, CTR, HUB, and other IDeA programs.
Please watch for an email soliciting nominations for the National Committee for each IDeA Region. This will be followed by election of a new NAIPI Vice President and Secretary and selection of a Treasurer. I encourage all members to take an active role and get involved in NAIPI.
Sincerely, SS

NAIPI President Robert “Scott” Seville
Scott is Department Head and Professor of Zoology and Physiology at the University of Wyoming. He is Director of the NIH-funded Wyoming IDeA Networks for Biomedical Research Excellence (WY-INBRE). He has been involved in IDeA-funded programs in various capacities since 2002.
The National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI) is the collective voice of all of us in the IDeA community.
NAIPI aims to protect and promote the IDeA programs. It fosters interactions, promotes resource sharing, enhances the national visibility of the INBREs, COBREs, and CTRs, develops consensus on priorities, identifies and disseminates best practices, identifies opportunities and develops strategies.
History of IDeA:
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional Development Award (IDeA) was established in 1993 to broaden the geographic distribution of NIH funding for biomedical and behavioral research. The program fosters health-related research and enhances the competitiveness of investigators at institutions located in states in which the aggregate success rate for applications to NIH has historically been low. The program also serves unique populations—such as rural and medically underserved communities—in these states.
NAIPI Mission
The mission of NAIPI is to provide leadership and communication for the development, promotion and improvement of biomedical research through the INBRE, COBRE, and CTR IDeA programs.
Specific Objectives:
- To foster interactions between the IDeA Program and its constituencies
- To promote resource sharing among the INBRE, COBRE, and CTR Programs
- To enhance the visibility of the IDeA Program
- To develop a consensus on priorities and new directions for the IDeA Program
- To identify and disseminate best practices within the IDeA Program
- To identify opportunities and develop strategies to achieve the common goals of the IDeA Program

NAIPI Regions by State
NAIPI Bylaws are available for download here: