John Hall

John Hall, Ph.D.

Areas of expertise

  1. General: Cardiovascular, renal and endocrine physiology
  2. Specific: Mechanisms of hypertension and target organ injury; obesity and insulin resistance; the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; modeling and computer simulation of the cardiovascular-renal systems

Research methods and techniques

Genetically engineered mouse models; chronic instrumentation for long-term cardiovascular and renal studies in dogs, rats, and mice; 24-hr/day studies of metabolic functions (oxygen consumption, activity, energy expenditure, food intake, etc.) in mice and rats; imaging methods (e.g. echocardiography) for studying cardiac function; histology, morphometric analyses, immunohistochemistry, and molecular biology methods for studying target organ injury and cytokine expression; isotope methods for measuring renal function.

John Hall is also working as Principal Investigator of Cardiorenal and Metabolic Diseases Research Center, Mississippi

John E. Hall, PhD – University of Mississippi Medical Center (